As I embark on a new year of my life, I have been reflecting
on what has been and what is to come. If I could, I would have let myself in on
a few secrets I have learned along my path. I would have told my younger self that
in the end, everything is going to be just fine. I would let myself know that I do
not have to fight so hard, and that being me is enough. Here are some things I
would say to the younger me.
Question EVERYTHING, not in a disrespectful fashion, but always keep
your insatiable thirst for knowledge. Empower yourself, as you are no one else's
responsibility but your own. Learn to think for yourself and create your
own truth with the application of acquired knowledge. Don't be a victim of brainwashing because you haven't sought out the answers for yourself.
Learn who you are, what you believe, what is important to
you, and why it's important. Dig into the depths of your soul to see who you really are, and accept and love
yourself wholly. Don't be a bystander in your life. Accept responsibility. Make
the positive changes that are within your power. Don't get lost in trying to
fix things that you have no control over. Remember that you are real, not fake.
You have flaws and that is wonderful, for flaws create character. It will be
hard, especially as a woman, to keep your focus on who you really are in the midst
of the world's unrealistic pursuit of perfection. That pursuit of perfection is
just an image. Inner peace comes from loving yourself in imperfection.
Operate with integrity in all that you do. Be impeccable with your word, which is a lost concept on the modern world. Honesty breeds trust, and trust is the most basic building block of character. Speak kindly and honestly.
Do what you say, say what you mean.
Be patient with yourself. If you look at the cyclical nature
of life, we are not meant to move from a newborn to being the best, wisest,
most capable adult. Everything we do is the result of learning, practicing, and
application. Learn to appreciate the transitional times and find value in all
of life's lessons, no matter how difficult. Remember that every place you have been was exactly
where you were supposed to be.
Be a gracious winner, and a gracious loser, in
all situations.
Practice gratitude everyday. Count your blessing constantly.
Gratitude is cleansing for the soul. It shows you that despite where you think
you should be, or what you think you should have, you have come so far and are
just fine right where you are.
Find the joy in simplicity. Don't take more than you need.
And be giving, always. Be aware of yourself and of others, and the impact you
are making in this world. Be responsible for that impact.
Travel anywhere and everywhere you can, whether it's across the
world or across the state. Seek to understand the place you are visiting, and
the people that live there. Be a gracious guest to their community. Take in and
appreciate their culture. Traveling creates perspective.
Appreciate beauty anywhere you find it, whether it is in
nature or in another's heart. It is there to subtly remind you of what is truly
important in life. Never lose your childlike wonder in all things that astound
you. If you look hard enough, you can find God's grace everywhere. Continue to
be inspired by the amazing fact that everything in this life is so complex, yet
so very simple.
Honor what makes you happy, not what the world thinks should
make you happy.
There is a season to everything. A season to be young and
hot and a season to be wrinkled and wise. Enjoy each season. Don't get ahead of yourself, or left behind. Appreciate your
God-given talents and use them for each season of your life.
You will always find what you are looking for. The choices you make
today, impact your life tomorrow. Always be aware of the intentions of your
Be patient with others, for they are fighting their own
demons. If someone doesn't love you the way you think they should, it doesn't mean
they don't love you at all. Love others, but not to the point where you are no
longer loving yourself. If people don't value and respect you, you can choose to love
them from a distance.
Complaining is absolutely useless. If you don't like
something, do something about it.
You don't have to fight so hard. If your intentions are
good, and you have action behind your intentions, you will move in the right direction. Don't push so
hard, and remember the season thing.
Don't engage in gossip. It creates negativity in the soul.
Where there is fear, there is doubt. Doubt creates
negativity, and negativity is toxic to the soul. So when you are fearful, it is
your responsibility to seek the answers within yourself to release the fear,
instead of becoming consumed with doubt.
Negativity is a highly toxic, contagious virus. But you have
the power to control whether or not you catch negativity. Spread love and
truth, and eliminate hate. At times, It will be
difficult to navigate through the constant false truths and remember who the real
enemy is.
You are an emotional being. It is ok to FEEL life. Don't
ever try to numb or hide from your emotions, as that leads to problems so big
you can't even imagine. Do not be ashamed to be human.
Take care of your body. I don't mean diet to the extreme to
be thin, or exercise too much. I mean appreciate the earthly vessel your soul
has been given to borrow. Treat it with respect. Listen to what it is saying. Give
it what it needs to thrive. You really are what you eat. If you want to be
healthy and feel good, do not put crap in and on your body.
And finally, I would tell myself:
You are stronger than you realize. No matter how hard it will
be, and the incredible amount of pain you will endure, you shall overcome any
obstacle put in front of your. Keep your faith, always.
Much Love,
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