Sunday, November 10, 2013

Finding Happiness

This post is a request by a long-time friend +George Stahl. Thank you for the inspiration for this post...

As human beings, we are in this constant 'fight' for our happiness, or whatever image we have that happiness may or may not be. But have you ever really stopped and thought long and hard about what happiness is and the meaning of true happiness in relation to yourself?

I have to admit that I had never done this. And I am a thinker, an analyzer, and student of life. Happiness is such an obscure word. What does that mean? Wikipedia defines happiness as, "a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy."

I have been thinking for several days about +George Stahl's question about "what is happiness". I have found that if I seek the answers and really listen, I get the answers I seek. A few days after the initial question, my dearest friend +Jessie Hebert  sent me a video text out of the blue of her 87 year old aunt dancing, singing, and laughing. I watched that video a few times, and I smiled. I knew that this 87 year old woman, was young and pure of heart. She had no fear, no self-doubt. My best friend's aunt is the epitome of how I hope to evolve, spiritually. She had figured out the secret to happiness, and was the living, breathing embodiment of pure contentment.

I know you have met those people in your life. They don't have to necessarily be 87. They come in all shapes, sizes, races, sexes, and ages. These are the people that are just happy regardless of the shit life throws at them. But guess what, I don't think that the "secret" to happiness is as far-reaching as we think.

As I wondered about happiness, I wanted to break it down into a hand full of the most important dynamics of happiness. They are as follows:

Peace, by definition, is an ending to a war or fighting. We all (should) have a desire to end all the hate and fighting in the world, but unfortunately we cannot change the world until we change ourselves, until we deal with our own internal war. We all have some sort of internal conflict, whether we are conscious of it or not. The secret to finding inner peace is living a life of integrity. For more information, please read yesterday's post "Falling From Grace". We are all living in this paradigm of fear. And fear is simply an emotion of a perceived threat. You cannot be at peace until you lose the fear. Where there is fear, there is doubt. Doubt creates negativity (conscious or unconscious) and negativity is poison to the soul. Not trying to be all "fire and brimstone" but truly think about how you feel when you are overwhelmed with fear, doubt, and negativity. It's awful!

Once you have begun the path of self-awareness and inner peace, you have to let go of the pain. Pain sucks, I am not going to lie, but you will just halt your personal growth by trying to run, numb, or ignore the pain. Address it, forgive yourself, let it go.

Watching my best friend's aunt was a beautiful visual reminder to live a "full" life. We are creatures of passion, yet we choose to punish ourselves with more pain, self-destruction, and self-loathing. When you have made peace with yourself, forgiven your transgressions, and "let it go", then you can be completely comfortable in your own skin. It is with that comfort that comes the beauty and power of living your "truth". This means being able to openly express your enthusiasm, passion, and ambition with the world, regardless of what anyone thinks. It means being comfortable to fully express yourself physically, emotionally, and intellectually. 

And the dancing 87 year old? Her truth was that she knew that her chronological age is just a number. That she is shouldn't fear tomorrow, and instead she should live in the moment and dance.

May you find your peace, 

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